UNREAL - UE4: How to kill a character after it jumps and doesn´t touch the floor for X seconds?

Hi, my character goes from small planet to planet, but, after jumping in a traditional way it dies when it touches the “kill area” but, since my planets are not located in the same plane… i canot make a kill zone because if he jumps from the higuest planet, it´s going to be in the air… or space, like forever before touch that area and die.

How can i make a countdown to death that starts when caracter jumps, and kills the character after X seconds, for example if he is in the air for 15 seconds without touching the floor, he diez, how?

Please show BP images, thanks a lot!

Hello, I am not sure, but how about starting a timeline from start and set up some float tracks 0sec-15sec and put the float value the same.
And from update, do a branch and check if output is equal or > than 15, if true kill player.

And if you are no longer falling, you stop the timeline from a custom event or such.

Maybe you could use a delay node, if you know you have started jumping, put a delay node for 15 seconds and after that do a branch check, if you have landed it is ok, but if you still have not, kill player.

Excelent ideas, i love both, but how? i ask this becasue what i dont understand it´s how and where to create it and connect the start jumping-landing and countdown, do i have to do it at the animation BP? i dont think so, i´m kind of new, i understand the logics behind, i´m just confuse about… how is the engine going to understand, when my character started jumping, and how is it going to understand when it landed to stop the countdown, i gues only through the animation BPs, so the contdown also needs to understand when to stop,

I thought maybe i could start countdown when i press jump… but… sometimes character “auto jump” when gets close to the Edge… no need to press a button, so definitely has to be in the animation BP.

If you can, please add a BP image, thanks a lot guys!

I have not started working my self with animation. But it is possible to executed a custom event from it wich fires from your character blueprint.
I am on my phone right now, but I will show you in BP when I get home.

Use the IsInAir boolean inside the character movement. When it becomes true, start a counter. When it becomes false, turn it off. If the timer ever reaches 15 seconds, then trigger the death event.

Did not work, i tried with the Is in Air bolean, but it actually afected my running… i have no idea how to do this, maybe some BP images could help.


Maybe try the opposite. There should be also a function for “IsOnGround”. Just worked with it today to disable a mechanic, which i only want to trigger on the ground and it worked

With Jezcentral idea (using isonair) i made a try and got this. Works fine but needs to be dealt with zkill. Only prints as results: true : still in air, false : no more in air counter reset, falling : in air since 5 secs, falling.

Perfect! awesome!

Excelent Fen, thanks a lot!

Happy that helps ^^

It works like that when character jumps but not when he falls without initial jump (not sure on the best way to start timer in this situation)

You may can use killz (edit : in world settings tab) and killz volumes (modes/place/volumes/killz volume) to be sure about a falling character dies too.