I’m using Unreal Engine Preview 4.7 Preview 4
I just installed the Unreal Tournament update at around 3 GB.
The game launches, but:
Clicking Options/Player Settings crashes game.
Clicking Spectate to view existing match crashes game.
Clicking About/Credits menu item crashes game.
Clicking Configure Bots button crashes game.
Adding mutator then clicking Configure Mutator button crashes game.
Clicking Join crashes game.
Clicking View Stats crashes game.
Hi KnightTechDev,
I just tried this on my end and everything seems to be working as intended. Try running a verify on your install to make sure that all of the files installed correctly. To do this, go to the Unreal Tournament tab and select the dropdown context menu>Verify.
Hi KnightTechDev,
I just tried this on my end and everything seems to be working as intended. Try running a verify on your install to make sure that all of the files installed correctly. To do this, go to the Unreal Tournament tab and select the dropdown context menu>Verify.
Note: The answerhub is specifically geared towards questions directly related to UE4. For more assistance with Unreal Tournament, please visit the forums /.
Here’s a second thing I tried, I’ll try the verify on both the engine and the game.
I just tried the GitHub version too since I wasn’t able to get it working, one of the guys in forum mentioned it was no longer working with the MainLine version of Unreal Engine because it’s not working anymore, and there was a package to download called UnrealTournament-clean-master., which is what is shown as the only branch for Unreal Tournament on GitHub.
So I downloaded the UnrealTournament-clean-master., extracted the files to a folder.
I ran the Setup.bat and it downloaded around 4.5 GB of files (which includes a copy of Unreal Engine and Sample Files).
I ran GenerateProjectFiles.bat to generate the project files.
I opened the UE4.sln solution in Visual Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.
It scanned all include files and parsed files.
I made sure it was set to build for Win64.
I right clicked UE4 and clicked Build.
I tried to run the UE4Editor.exe and it doesn’t load.
So far used a bunch of bandwidth.
Hi KnightTechDev,
Please post this to the forums at forums.unrealengine.com for further assistance specific to the Unreal Tournament branch. Thank you!
Thank you, I’ve managed to get the source code version via GitHUB to work after downloading the clean-master, running Setup.bat, and rebuilding all files to replace the linkage to the previously outdated file build, only the complete rebuild worked and the standard build did not.
If anyone has trouble like I did after following the instructions in the [Unreal Tournament Wiki][1] or watching the [video’s on the topic like][2], try the Rebuild All after adding all projects to the build in **Visual ** and see if it works it did for me.
The final complete build came out to 41.2GB in file size, it’s huge, archiving a copy to another folder AS-IS before re-linking the GitHUB client for continual updates will double that by 2 times if I don’t use any compression. :o0
Sadly, I also downloaded the updates now with another Unreal Tournament via the launcher and the recent version of the game fills and locks screen and input and the edges of the UT logo are cut off.
I was able to reproduce this each and everytime I opened the Epic Games Launcher and clicked the Launch button.
If the input can be re-established, the editor’s executable process has to be forcefully closed by ending the process tree or otherwise the task, I’m resolving this question as a future version will not do this. :o)
This is the main version here of the downloadable launcher version of Unreal Tournament (Non-Source Code Version) that isn’t working for me now. Shows the logo edges cutoff during a screen lock, had to take this picture with a cell phone:
The unfortunate part is I can’t video record this from computer because it crashes the computer with a messed up looking screen if I do.