Once download is complete it instantly goes back to 0% and starts over again how big is the game? checked the game’s file size 2.73GBs.
Hi Geno,
The size of the current UnrealTournamentDev folder after install is just under 7.5 gb. I just tested this download internally and I didn’t experience any issues. I’m unsure as to why you are seeing the percentage loop. Before you begin your next download, try these troubleshooting steps and see if it fixes the issue.
If the game will still not download for you, follow the steps towards the bottom of that link and generate your Debugging logs then post them here.
I forgot to mention that I changed the download directory of the game to another drive besides C:/Program files/Epic Games redownloading the game in its original directory works, so don’t change the directory of the game then.
I installed UT on my secondary drive without issue. Is the other drive you attempted to install on a internal drive, SSD, or non-SSD?
It was a 2TB (SATA) hard drive, a friend of mine installed it with no issues on a similar drive odd.