Hi, I am attempting to test out the Unreal Shotgun toolkit integration for future use in our animation pipeline. I am using the tk-unreal config and have compiled the github promoted branch of Unreal Engine with the Shotgun integration plugin. When setting up the toolkit using this config it seems that everything is downloaded and installed correctly, I have confirmed that the tk-unreal and tk-framework-unrealqt stuff exists on disk in the toolkit config install directory. However when I run Shotgun desktop the unreal stuff doesn’t seem to be getting picked up; I have confirmed that my unreal engine binaries are correct and the registry keys exist to point the startup.py script to the correct location, but the Unreal Engine entry in the shotgun desktop launcher does not appear. Looking at the logs from shotgun desktop seems to indicate that the tk-unreal startup.py is not getting run at all by the system.
Has anyone else used the tk-unreal shotgun toolkit config that can help shed some light on what I am missing?