Unreal Sequecer Camrea Movment Changing during Render

Hey all, I am trying to create a short animation using Unreal Sequencer, and in my sequncer I have a camera actor attached to a camra rig crane that is supposed to keep the character in frame for the duration of the animation, and it does inside the sequencer. However when I render the camrea just changes angles halfway through the sequence and I have honestly no idea why that is happening. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

MRQ goes into Play mode. If you enter PIE does it still work correctly?

I will check that now, I have gameplay overides set in my MRQ settings, I built this in the GASP with a playable chracter I made.

Ok I realized the issue, I am using a default player character who is affected by gravity in PIE mode, so the camera isnt off, the character is just dropping at moments below its frame. Is there a way I can disable that in sequencer, or should I create a new actor without the chracter movment component, and bake the animation to that new chracter?

I solved the issue, disabling the chracter movement component on event begin play in my chracter fixed the dropping issue and the animation looks like it should.

Thank you for the help!! @comlys

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