unreal separates mesh that has different material slots (cloth paint issue)

I have a dress made up of 2 meshes, unreal automatically separates them even though they’re merged in my 3d software. It doesn’t allow me to cloth paint them both together at once.

should look like this:

but unreal register it as seperate mesh, not together

i have tried joining their vertices together in blender, it didn’t make any difference. Can someone tell me how to make it 1 mesh in unreal?

thank you so much

that is not Unreal problem…that is how you exported the cloth from the other side.
Unreal handles multiple materials in a single mesh (material IDs).

Try checking in the other software why it is exporting the costume parts into separated meshes.

hi thanks for sharing. I assumed that too, but I found this on stack exchange:

it is correct that unreal separates meshes that use material slots / different materials in the case of cloth painting, thats when it becomes an issue.

I checked this: when I change the dress texture to be all the same, it stays as 1 mesh:

it’s quite annoying because I don’t want to put multiple materials into just one, just so it doesn’t separate during cloth painting.

I hope they can allow this to be possible in the future, not sure where to report it tho

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