Unreal Remote 2 No Signal

Previously, Unreal Remote 2 with Virtual Camera and Remote Session worked on my Zbook Studio and iPad 10 2019, both the display client and virtual control.

Few days back, it started to give color bars screen with NO SIGNAL on the iPad, but the virtual control sticks and gyro seemed to work

Any suggestions or approach so the client display feature could be displayed again on the iPad instead of just color bars? I tried 4.26 with no luck as well. All anti virus and firewall were also disabled, but they used to be enabled when the virtual camera worked as well.

Big thanks in advance.

Encounter the same question, wait for the answer!

Hello, Same for me.

Help please.

1 Like

Same problem in UE4.25 .
In UE4.26, I can see the picture but can not move camera by iphone.

downgrad to unreal remote 2 -
1.1version. do not use 2.1version



I don’t know, I would have to find a Tutorial with this version 1.1 because by following version 2.1 it does not work.

Any ideas ?

Codially iBlacky

Wow! Its work! Thanks you!

Nice, thx i check this tonight.

I found a solution
open your UE4.25 install place for me is :

**C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini**

and find this 2 line and delete it. or add “;” head of it


open your project again ,and you will see the steam just fine.

must be using 4.25,because 4.26 didnt work yet,i saw some code mass in plugins,not finish yet.

its work! Thanks you! NB! hahaha

Great job! Solved it for me!

There is the right answer below, please mark it as solved!

FINALLY works in UE 4.24. Thanks a lot