Unreal Project Sync with SVN: Linker Error [LNK2001,LNK2019,LNK1120]

Hey! I’m facing “Project Compilation Error” Issue after check-in my project on SVN. I’ve following folders in Sync with SVN [Config, Content, Source, Binaries, project.sln, project.uproject]

         My colleague has check out the branch and he has issues with the Project. They are:
  1. Blueprint is not able to access code files functions.
  2. By opening Visual Studio and compiling the project. I get a set of linker errors. Here is the screenshot for that.

          * On the contrary its working fine on my system*. Its not showing any errors. These errors come when I check out this branch in other system and try to run the project. 

I’m Clueless now. Your concern and help is very well appreciated.

Looking for the Light,