Assertion failed: Header.Len != 0 [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\UObject\UnrealNames.cpp] [Line: 2196]
I’m not sure why but every time I try to open my project I get the above message and my project ends up crashing for an unknown reason to me. I’m not sure what I can do here.
From what I can remember, the last time I was able to open the game I added textures to my project (The idea was to create a sort of longhouse with wooden texture and make it a maze on the inside. I’ll provide a picture to clarify.) and there was no texture pool size problem.
I was sculpting my landscape by using the landscaping tool found in unity itself and then that was when it randomly crashed. I have a HP Windows laptop with a total of 30.0 GB free out of 237 so maybe that has something to do with it? I don’t know. But I do know that I HAVE to get this project in or I will fail the course. Please help!
0x00007ff9a0e0ebbd UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0e536e4 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0e3ddb1 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0e14e71 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff997035912 UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff99700e494 UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff99700ddec UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff99700dcdb UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff996fb4f04 UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff996fb5dfd UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff996fc8b94 UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a07a52d5 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a07a51bc UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0780045 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a07d8172 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a07937b0 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a09256d0 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0e822c2 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9a0e78310 UnrealEditor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9f9c3257d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction
0x00007ff9fa16aa68 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction
Crash in runnable thread Background Worker #4