Unreal Project Executable

Unreal Project Executable

I created this mini tool which helps me to have quick access to my projects. It is basically just simple exe which launches specified project but it can be pinned to Windows taskbar (uproject file can’t be) or linked in Visual Studio as External Tool, so you will have custom button in you VS which launches your project. It contains 9 different colors for project icon.

Executable needs to be placed in Unreal Project folder and shortcut needs to have two arguments:

  1. Name of project folder (name of project file is not required, tool will automatically find .uproject file in that folder)
  2. Mode (editor / game / projectfiles / switchversion).

editor - launches Unreal Editor
game - starts standalone game
projectfiles - generates new visual studio files
switchversion - shows unreal version selection dialog for the project.

ZIP download is attached.

If you don’t find it useful it is fine, I am just sharing it here because maybe it can be handy for somebody.

Thank you for this, it is a useful little tool :cool: