First time installing Unreal Engine 4 from the Epic Game Launcher. I press launch engine and the program loads. However when it is done, nothing appears. The program is running and there is a tab below but nothing is showing. I uninstall and reinstall it but with the same results. Both times something about files not assorted came up and ask me to fix it or leave it. I tried both with the same results. Please help.
Hi Hero Tales,
Could you post your Dxdiag (system specs) for us? You can find info on how to get them here.
Oh no it’s happening again. The recent update didn’t help, so it must mean a domestic issue. Just don’t know what’s wrong. Now every time I open my project, the window is invisible now, but my cursor is still in the cross form. Here are my specs. Does having 2 hard drives an issue?
Having 2 hard drives shouldn’t be an issue. I noticed in your dxdiag that you are using driver version 331.82 for your graphics card. The latest version is 350.12. Could you try updating it and see if the issue still happens?
Thanks but updating my graphics card didn’t work.
As you can see my mouse is over the icon on the task bar, but the the project browser is invisible.
And in this second screenshot, I minimize the window and you can see the black box where the project browser is suppose to be showing that the app is on. This picture is taken in a split sec before it minimizes.
Well it came back again after cleaning out my computer and updating it. It comes and goes. My Mcafee Malware protection says that I didn’t had any malware so I don’t know. Does the program conflicts with other programs or window updates?
Some programs do conflict with UE4. Do you have any graphical or performance altering software? I don’t believe you’re on a laptop but for example, the laptop Nvidia software called Optimus will sometimes conflict.
I’m trying to find if any programs conflict. After restarting my computer after an update it comes back. After restarting again, it becomes invisible again. It is so weird. Do you have to have your graphics card on or the program will glitch out? Like what happens if you disable the graphics card? Could you still use the program, even if it’ll be laggy?
The Launcher and the editor both require a Directx 11 compatible graphics card. If the graphics card is disabled while the programs are open, it’s likely you will experience severe graphical errors or even crash the programs.
Sorry I haven’t responded back, but thanks for all your help. Figured out a way to turn on the graphics card and it is working just fine. Thanks!
comment on télécharge
could you please tell me how did you do it i cannot seem to figure it out.
I am running on my PC with RX 480. It used to work earlier but now it is giving the issue to me.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanx
I am facing with the same issue with a gtx 1060 (latest drivers) on Windows 10. While graphics card is disabled Unreal Project Browser is just working fine but as soon as it is enabled the window become invisible. How can I really “turn on” the graphic card?