Unreal Portal has disappeared without warning

Hello. I tried clicking on my favourites button to start watching Unreal Portal again, yet was surprised to see more of a dev.unreal.com experience. I didn’t see any news in the Launcher that this change happened.

So has Unreal Portal moved to dev.unreal.com? I feel the structure has gone. No badges and it seems way less videos in the Courses for beginners.

Any suggestions?

Hi - the UOL site is still there and accessible at https://learn.unrealengine.com/ - however it will in time be phased out (late summer by the current plan). I believe (not 100% sure if this has gone out yet) that a mail to all UOL users has (or will) also been sent.

All UOL video content has migrated over to the dev community. Exceptions exist - some content we deemed to have become a bit too outdated, and this affected learning paths in particular for example.

The Is Beginner flag is not necessarily set on all content, it is a bit discussable what precisely beginner content is which makes setting the flag not always that evident, but the content is there. We will gradually set more content to Is Beginner/add more learning paths and other such content or UI improvements now that the new platform is up and running.

In addition to all of that also note that due to the shift from UE4 to UE5, a lot of the original UE4 material is now in need of a remake and with hundreds of videos this is a gigantic task. While more experienced people can watch a UE4 video and figure out how to do the same in UE5, in particular for beginners we really do need UE5 videos, and there just aren’t that many yet. It is hard to recommend beginner content if there is a small set of UE5 videos currently up This is a challenge that would have existed no matter what, also on the original UOL platform.

In terms of badges - we had to prioritize the building of the platform itself, which in turn has enabled us to centralize and scale up the content, because we deemed that a future proof stable platform (UOL was running on an externally hosted third party solution and it would not have lasted forever) that focuses on providing everyone much more content provides a higher total value to a wider set of developers than a badging system for completing courses.

Within the new platform all the fragmented content and community channels we had since 2014’s UE4 launch have come together, and all of the equally fragmented groups of learning/technical content have come together too, creating something with a far larger amount of content, sharing, and information for you. However yes it can also be overwhelming, and we will need to do a long series of UI improvements over the coming 8 months to help make sense of all that is there.

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Hai Hourences,

Have to agree with 9111824, feel like the structure has gone. (and my badges :sob:) Would be Great if “some” of the structure like badges & tracking your learning curve is resurrected.

kind regards,