I was making clothing last night at work. I realised for some reason Unreal Engine does not or will not use Mayas useful tools.
It could be maya wants to keep certain things internally Like on Indiana Jones, Our top men idea But I think if Unreal Engine and Autodesk Worked together it would be best Gaming pipeline around
The one thing i found so useful in Maya was Wrap Deformer…
This is such an awesome feature! So i think its autodesk fault for not including this in FBX!
Now Unreal is BEST game engine Ever in my books, But modelling and animating it just doesn’t focus on these areas as its a game engine.
But if these 2 companies actually worked together, I think every single Games company could move to it!
Just an opinion, After a whole night working out How to have a naked Model and Clothing model I thought i found answer But realised its not supported for some greedy reason. Its autodesk not sharing there latices to FBX to what i realised.
This company was based in my town and i should of went in and asked why!
This thread is basically asking all you other users on your opinions on this and for Unreal …
I tried to BP Clothing to my character Class on BP but they don’t deform, Maybe have something where you can deform wrap to the class like they have done
Would be so awesome and Imagine the possibilities where you could Just Change the character BP clothing using Blueprints and stuff!
At the moment i using Naked characters running around and it is upsetting my gf mum when she see’s my work haha
The issue there is that there’s many features in 3D apps that are particular to that app and don’t translate to any other program, even if they have something similar it’s something that doesn’t quite correspond directly. For example in 3ds Max there’s many modifiers that you can use but the vast majority of them don’t have any way of working with another 3D app.
For games in particular, the issue can be that things have to be designed to work very quickly. So for example tessellation has its own way of working in games so that it performs well in real-time.
Yeah i guessing its like Rendering Which takes my laptop a long time to do (Its a gaming laptop)
But it would be good if 3d apps standardised to a certain way, Guessing 3d modelling companies Wont share because they want people to keep it in there software.
Guessing also its like Microsoft wont let Sony team up to share players for games right?
I was just gutted this morning when i couldnt use the deform wrapper haha would of been perfect as i trying to bind clothing to my character.
When i rig and bind the clothes to character skin stuck out through the clothes ><. All you could see is a bottom going through pants haha.
Keeping it PG! So cant show bums in the game haha
Are you the dude that just posted the question on my maya cloth rigging video on youtube?
Anyway, the reason why fbx only supports so little from mayas native tools is because its the bare minimum the industry agreed on standardizing. And its already quite a lot, polygon models, skincluster, blendshapes, smoothing groups, embeded media, etc. That stuff is essential for any cross software pipeline. Anything else starts to become very optional and the cost vs reward for having all software companies adapt to a new standardized rule for a certain deformer or modifier or whatever is just not worth it - or probably not even possible considering how many new 3d softwares are popping up, each using their own core frameworks and different base programming languages to implement their software and its features.
So yeah, for now you should just stick to what is compatible with fbx. And if you want to see how I handle different clothings and how to change them up over a naked base body, I have a youtube video explaining that. Also with the maya skinning side of things: