Unreal Marketplace Wishlist is gone in Fab, GONE!


I’ve been exploring the new Fab marketplace and noticed several key quality of life features that were available in the original Marketplace are now missing, most notably, the wishlists tab.

My personal wishlists have disappeared entirely. I managed to access some marketplace links that still work, likely because the sellers haven’t yet migrated their content to Fab. However, when I click the heart icon to add items to my wishlist, I’m redirected to a 404 error page, confirming that the wishlist feature itself is absent from the new platform.

Is there any way to recover my wishlist, or will this feature be reintroduced soon? When can we expect these basic quality-of-life functions to be restored? Additionally, why were such significant changes rolled out without clear communication from Epic? These features were active just days ago, and their sudden removal is frustrating, especially without any prior notice or explanation.

I look forward to getting answers on this.


+1 Totally agree with that, the wishlists are a necessary feature for me


Hello, @Santana!

We will add wishlists to Fab in a future update. Please contact support if you would like a PDF of what you had in your old UE Marketplace wishlist.


+1, I had some assets there that I was consdering for future projects…


Its ridiculous that this feature is gone. I had many items in there I was intending to buy. Does Epic not want to take my money?? Why release without at least the same functionality?


I’m also wondering why did they remove such a useful functionality … pretty stupid IMHO.


It’s good to know but, I have to ask : any ETA for this “future update”, please ?

Thank you,


This is indeed such an odd choice to launch this revamped marketplace platform with the wishlist feature removed.
Especially when a platform like that launches and as people look around they would be likely to favourite things and such.
That’s literally how I ended up here. I was exploring the platform, saw something I liked and wanted to wishlist but no wishlist button anywhere.
Also it’s good to know that one could contact support to get their lost wishlist back, but honestly… who likes to contact support about anything. This feels such an odd oversight.