Hi. I’ve finished my project and I wanna sell all stuf that I made in unreal marketplace. Can someone please explain to me step by step process of accepting and publishing my stuff in unreal marketplace?
Yes, but I have another question. Epics are going to check my project in unreal engine and I will have to archive all stuff and files that it has and send it to epics. How can I do that?
You can find Submission
and Publishing
sections in the Marketplace FAQ. It should answer most of your questions. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/marketplace-faq
Marketplace Guidelines are available here and you should check it out too. Marketplace Guidelines - Unreal Engine
See section 2.7 (File Structure) to see how your files should organized before publishing it to the Marketplace. To answer your question - yes, you will have to provide your whole project “with all stuff and files”. Not all files are required though, it’s explained in details Marketplace Guidelines.
Have you checked the official website? Publisher Portal
You can find Submission
and Publishing
section in the Marketplace FAQ. It should answer most of your questions. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/marketplace-faq
Marketplace Guidelines are available here: Marketplace Guidelines - Unreal Engine
Check section 2.7 (File Structure) to see how your files should organized before publishing it to the Marketplace. To answer your question - yes, you will have to provide your whole project “with all stuff and files”. Not all files are required though, it’s explained in details Marketplace Guidelines.
Ok, thanks for help!
Thank you for help, but I have one more question. Do you know how to archive project in order to provide epics with it? I read some guidelines, it only says that it must be in a zip format and must have a project file link that navigates to a hosting site. I wanna make a project file link in google drive
Merci ! [][1]
Génial ! Porte savon mural
Merci !
Can someone please delete the backlinks of the 3 posts above from this topic?
It does not have anything to do with subject.