I want to make sure I understand your question so I can try to find the problem. You’re saying that while downloading 4.4.2 you pause the download and then close the Launcher? And when you say that the computer is turned off by lack of energy are you talking about a shut down or a manual shut down (holding the power button)? Please let me know if I am misinterpreting anything or if there is anything I overlooked.
I want to make sure I understand your question so I can try to find the problem. You’re saying that while downloading 4.4.2 you pause the download and then close the Launcher? And when you say that the computer is turned off by lack of energy are you talking about a shut down or a manual shut down (holding the power button)? Please let me know if I am misinterpreting anything or if there is anything I overlooked.
What do you mean when you say that the computer is turned off by lack of energy? Are you going to Shut Down on computer or are you holding the power button until it turns off?
Not that I’m much help but I think his situation is;
He can’t download the updates very fast, the energy in his country shuts off frequently so every time it does, it cancels the update and starts it from scratch when he gets back on his PC, where as the other patches started from where it left off and not from the beginning again.
I’m posting this because if that is what you’re trying to say, you have got my respect for putting up with that and still determined to use UE4, that determination is inspiring.
Thank you TheMunky for your interpretation of the issue. After cutting the power to my machine the download still seems to resume where it left off for me.