Hi my name is Leo Gonzalez, I’m giving an Unreal 4 lecture at Captivate in Austin next week and my Unreal 4 just broke (if that isn’t murphy’s law, I don’t know what is!)
I’ve been using UE4 forever, and today I came home from the studio to find the following error:
I have re-installed the launcher over and over, etc. nothing seems to work. It seems to be happening only on my main workstation in my home office. The launcher itself seems to be permanently broken on my machine (UE4 used to work fine on this machine since early last year).
I’m pretty busy at work during the day, so I need to use my evenings to work in UE4, especially this week and next week since I will be giving the following lecture: [Unreal Engine 4: Workflow Primer ][2]
Also it may get fixed by itself in a couple of hours. And if nothing works, s a temporary workaround, you can still open your existing projects from explorer via their exe in their folders until the launcher gets fixed.
Yeah I saw those posts last night while researching this issue. Unfortunately, none of that stuff worked.
One thing I’m thinking though, is that maybe you’re limited somehow as to how many places you can install the launcher.
I have my launcher (with my personal account) installed at home, and on my workstation at my studio. Yesterday I installed and ran the launcher on another system at work; it was when I got home that same day that my launcher at home mysteriously stopped working. I’m wondering if that 3rd install on that machine at work triggered something that made the first launcher (at home) to stop working. The timing seems to coincide perfectly, as before I installed on that 3rd machine at work, everything worked fine at home.
Can anyone at Epic confirm if the launcher can be simultaneously installed on a limited amount of machines?
Note: I thought at first this problem was something to do with a server at Epic, but since the launcher works on other machines it can’t be that.
I’m sorry if you have tried some or all of these already, but could you take a look at the troubleshooting steps linked below. Afterwards if the issue is still present, follow the steps at the bottom of the page to find your ‘Verbose Logs’ and post them here. They will help us track down the issue.
I’ve attached the log file, hopefully that helps.
I need to work in UE4 this weekend, I’m really hoping this get’s resolved by then. Another note, is it possible that someone on your end deactivated my account by accident or something? Could you say what would most likely cause this issue, even if it’s a guess that’s ok.link text
Can you try launching the editor from the .exe like Jackie suggested above? That way you should still be able to work this weekend if a fix is not found right away.
Also, I spoke to our accounts team and they couldn’t find an active subscription linked to your user name and email. Could you contact them at the link below and make sure to provide info if your account is based on a redemption code, educational license, etc?
As for the Launcher issue. No there isn’t a limit to how many machines you can install the editor on.
The usual causes of this issue are a firewall blocking the Launcher or using it behind a proxy server. Make sure that you disable any firewall/antivirus and see if that helps. If you are behind a proxy, let us know.
The logs you uploaded are useful but we also need to see your Verbose Log. Following the steps at the bottom of the link in my last post should get them for you. The logs themselves will actually say ‘Verbose’ if you Ctrl+F word search them.
As a workaround, I got on Github and compiled the engine. I open Unreal Ed and click on Marketplace:
When I select ok to install I get the following error:
I was hoping this would be a workaround to install the launcher and get it working. Does anyone know how to get passed this error? I don’t want to install the Launcher through the Unreal website account page, as it’s completely broken.
Really need to get this solved; sucks to have a lecture on UE4 coming up and I can’t work on this- thanks!
I’ve attached the log file again. When I follow the steps in the wiki post, there is only one file that is created: “UnrealEngineLauncher.log”, there is nothing else in that directory, only that one file. This was after adding at the end:
I also:
turned off windows firewall (Win 7)
turned off my netgear router firewall
disabled antivirus
ran Unreal Launcher as administrator
uninstalled, redownloaded, and installed launcher 4+ times (restarted system after fresh installs)
switched to Google DNS
I have tried every single suggestion made by yourself, other staff, and community members on Answer Hub. I deleted all temp files in my user directory, deleted all Unreal files and folders from my entire computer; all HDD’s.
Nothing seems to work, the launcher just seems to be permanently broken on my home workstation. I’m trying to retrace and see what changed, but I have not changed any hardware, configurations, or anything. It was working just fine, next day I came home from work, jumped on my machine and Unreal Launcher didn’t work anymore. Literally nothing has changed on my computer- router, O/S, hardware- nothing is different. This makes no sense lol.
Carlos on the other thread solved it- it was my internet options that were set incorrectly in Windows. Something must have changed the settings, because everything was working last week and for months before that.
Anyways, thanks for the help, you guys are doing an amazing job over there- I will continue converting more people to UE4