So I downloaded the UE setup, and prompted it to run. Once the installer initializes it says
“Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is required when installing on Windows 7. Please install SP1 and run the installer again.”
Then proceeds to close itself.
Here’s the kicker, I installed SP1 immediately after through windows update but it doesn’t seem to have worked. I tried a manual install and still have no such luck.
Could anyone provide some insight as to what is happening and some thoughts on how to fix this issue?
Sorry to hear that you are running into issues installing. Did the SP1 install complete successfully and were you prompted for a restart after the SP1 install?
To help further we’ll need more info about your Windows environment and possibly logs from the installer which should tell us exactly why it failing to properly recognize your SP1 install. This link outlines some steps for obtaining the log in the MSI (Windows only) installation issues section:
Glad you got it working in the end. I believe 1603 implies that one of the installer custom actions is failing and a closer look at the log would probably pinpoint the issue. It looks like the msilog link that you posted points back to this thread and not the actual log. If you still have that log sitting around, perhaps you can zip it up and post it so I can have a look. I would like to fixup the underlying issue so we can prevent others from encountering it.