Unreal Insights: CpuAnalyzer may cause much timer with the same name in some cases

EngineVersion: UE5.3

I found there are so much timer named “CreateStatId” in my utrace file. And the problem may caused from the function: “Session.StoreString”. A simple way to reproduce this problem:

ScopeNameToTimerIdMap.Add(Session.StoreString(TEXT("CreateStatId")), 1);
if (ScopeNameToTimerIdMap.Find(Session.StoreString(TEXT("CreateStatId"))))
	// do some thing

You can put this code snippet in “FCpuProfilerAnalyzer::OnAnalysisBegin”, and you will find you cannot reach the “if” branch. But if you delete the first line(Session.StoreString(TEXT("CreateStatID"));), then you can reach it.