I currently have an AMD FX 8350 (8-core, 4.2Ghz) and 32GB of ram and the entire project is on a SSD. This should allow extremely fast imports of fbx models, right?
For some reason it still takes forever.
I pull up task manager and I see that Unreal is only using 15% of my CPU and 3,300MB of ram.
Is there a way to allow Unreal to use more resources than this?
I have a very similar set up and I also get quite slow asset imports. Does it take longer to import the more quads you have in your mesh? Im thinking this might be the triangulation algorithm they use might only work on one or two threads, and as I have an 8350 I know its single threaded performance isn’t the best. You could also check because it might be running in a separate worker thread and not in the main UE4 Editor instance so organise the task manager by CPU next time you import and see if it magically appears.
Sorry that this isn’t really a solution, but I think this is just the behaviour expected in UE4, if its not hopefully someone else can help out with this.
The 8350’s thread performance is pretty low, which I found out after I bought it. It’s a good theory, and considering it’s on the same thread as UE4 you are probably right.
If it is my processor then I’d say that’s a solution.