When we upgraded to 4.8, the following code stopped working, because the requests stopped making it to the DB server, and the callback was triggered with a null response:
TSharedRef req = Http->CreateRequest();
FString urlString = DBConnectUrl + “?packet=” + packetString;
req->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindLambda([objectName, operation, dbInterface, this](FHttpRequestPtr request, FHttpResponsePtr response, bool succeeded){
FString responseData = response->GetContentAsString();
dbInterface->ProcessDBData(responseData, objectName, operation);
if (!req->ProcessRequest())
UE_LOG(TueborLog, Error, TEXT(“Failed processing HTTP request: %s”), *packetString);
Note, ProcessRequest did not fail, and the callback was called even though the request never made it to the db server (console logging on the DB server showed no incoming request)
Also, this code works 100% in 4.7
Is anyone aware of this being an issue that is being addressed? We would like to upgrade to 4.8 in order to utilize some of the new marketplace asset packs as well as UE 4.8 features.