Hello guys. I don’t know what is going on here but for the last week now, I have been fighting this error [
“App Was Blocked From Accessing Graphics Hardware”
I don’t know what to do. I have tried upgrading my gpu drivers, rolling back to previous drivers. I have tried the sfc scannow in cmd, I have tried turning of dx12, turning it back on, using dx11, nothing. I still get the error 5 to 10 minutes in the editor and crash with this message. I have heard that dx12 was the issue so I turned dx11 on in the project settings, but that doesn’t work either. All I’m doing is moving my camera around the editor and 5-10 minutes later, CRASH with the access blocked gpu error. Has anyone ever seen this issue? Ive never experienced this before. Again, upgraded my gpu drivers to the latest and greatest, rolled back drivers, even unblocked it from windows security, turned off dx12 in project settings, but nothing works. I even did the TDR Delay trick in the registry. Does anyene have any legit resolutions for this? Is this an issue with 5.3?
My specs are
Windows 11
Nvidia 3060 12gb Vram
2tb hd space
Intel i7 9700k 3.6ghz