I’d have a question about UE GPU memory usage. Due to the fact that I’m trying to target as low hardware as possible I’ve turned off Texture memory streaming and trying to fit all the textures in the level at a 1GB video memory usage.
When using ‘stat memory’ I see that the ‘Texture memory 2D’ is at 379MB.
When I use ‘stat rhi’ I see that there are many things that use the gpu memory.
1.Render target memory 2D - 466MB
2.Texture memory 2D - 379MB
3.Texture memory Cube 95MB
4.Structured buffer memory 59MB
5.Vertex buffer memory 50MB
Others are neglect-able. I’ve attached a image showing the stats:
So my questions are:
1.Is my memory usage 1098 GPU memory, that is the sum of all those stats?
2.Is the ‘Texture Memory 2D’ the usage of the textures that I’ve imported?
3.Why is that ‘Render target memory 2D’ so high?
4.Why is the ‘Texture memory cube’ so high since I only use 1 reflection probe
5.Why are there 557 ‘DrawPrimitive’ calls? I’ve taken the stat in a place of the scene where nothing is draw (an empty spot without any meshes or lights casting in it)
Is there any way to deep profile the GPU memory usage and maybe see where all that extra data comes from?
Thanks & Regards!