Unreal getting crashed at Path Tracing on high samples

Hey guys, I have a simple bedroom scene which I have to render using pathtracer.
My unreal is getting crashed (out of VRAM) at 2048 samples. Its only rendering at around 1536 samples which are not enough to have cleaner output. I have attached an image rendered on 1536 samples and it looks grainy.

You can try the denoiser. Or you can try and disable the Game Overrides if you have not already. Game Overrides will turn off streaming textures that can possibly be taking up quite a bit of memory.

This is an old issue, still not resolved and wrongly documented, unfortunately. The workaround is that you dont dump all the samples into the spatial, but devide it up between spatial and temporal. for interiors you need lots, at least 16k. For 16k samples would go like this: 256 Spatial and 64 Temporal for example.

Also make sure you do NOT have the deferred renderer in your render settings. that also messes up things

Are you able to elaborate on wrongly documented? Do you mean the pathtracer documentation is incorrect somehow?

I can agree with creator in up. In my tests if I use only Spatial it will get noise result even its static shot, I also disable MotionBlur in PPV. Excellent setting for static shot in my opinion - 80x20 or more

Hi there,

according to the documentation you should dump all the samples into spatial for stills with PT. However, it always crashes at 2048 spatial.

You can only go beyond this sample amount only by combining with temporal samples. i suggest settings like: Spatial 256, Temporal 64 (=16,384 Samples)
(but keep the spatial below 1024, as it get pretty heavy for some reason i do not understand so far)

Thinking about it…probably the documentation is correct and you should be able to set high spatial samples. but its game over at 2K in even the simplest of scenes. something seemingly goes up exponentially and you feel it already at 1K samples. My guess is it is rather a pathtracer bug and thats the workaround? because that not something path tracers usually do.