Unreal Framework Explanation by Example

Dear Epic Staff,

While searching high and low for Unreal Engine framework explanation I have come across various articles (including official documentation) non of which is very good at doing the purpose it was written for: explaining in detail how the designiers of UE framework intended it to work.

I would like to ask you, even beg you, to take some of your time and take a game from our past like Super Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie or … (you can pick whatever game you like) and lay out what part of the game would you put in a Pawn, Player State, Game State, Game Mode, Game Instance and whichever class i forgot to write down.

I would ask people who think they know the answer to this question but are just going to quote something from official documentation or what they read online not to answer as we need this answered by someone from Epic.

Kind regards,
Dusan Maljkovic