Unreal FInd Enum Always nullptr

My Unreal Enum looks like this:

enum class EDataTableName : uint8
None = 0 UMETA(DisplayName = “None”),
AvatarCategory = 1 UMETA(DisplayName = “AvatarCategory”),
AvatarItem = 2 UMETA(DisplayName = “AvatarItem”),
BroadCasting = 3 UMETA(DisplayName = “BroadCasting”),
CameraScene = 4 UMETA(DisplayName = “CameraScene”),
Character = 5 UMETA(DisplayName = “Character”),
CharacterDefaultItem = 6 UMETA(DisplayName = “CharacterDefaultItem”),
Emote = 7 UMETA(DisplayName = “Emote”),
FaceMorph = 8 UMETA(DisplayName = “FaceMorph”),
HairGroups = 9 UMETA(DisplayName = “HairGroups”),
Item = 10 UMETA(DisplayName = “Item”),
ItemSlot = 11 UMETA(DisplayName = “ItemSlot”),

I tried FindObject to find an Enum called EDataTableName in the code, but it keeps returning only nullptr.

const TObjectPtr EnumPtr = FindObject(nullptr, TEXT(“EDataTableName”), true);
const TObjectPtr EnumPtr = FindObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Script/PluginName.EDataTableName”), true);

The process of finding that Enum is executed within the Initialize function of GameInstanceSubsystem. Is this due to a timing issue?

Changing this would require a lot of code modifications
Is there a solution?

It was said that ANY_PACKAGE was not used when moving to UE5.

const TObjectPtr EnumPtr = FindObject(ANY_PACKAGE, TEXT(“EDataTableName”), true);

It works well when I do this.
What the…