Unreal engine4 Mesh invisible

Hello. I’m a Korean. The sentences are awkward using a translator. Please understand.

There is a bug where the mesh is not visible in the engine.
There is no mesh when android preview is on. When you turn off the android preview, the mesh is visible.

(The mesh was drawn for security reasons. Sorry)

fbx extraction used 3ds max 2016.
Is this a 3d max problem?

I want to know how the engine can solve it.
I would really appreciate it if you could reply.
Thanks you for reading!

Looks like there is a problem with the scale of the mesh because vertices are there(13k it says.) Export as FBX version 2014 if you havent already and reimport.

Thanks for the reply. But what is the difference between 3ds max 2014 and 2016?
I would like to know why it is only selected in version 2014.

Not 3ds Max version. When you export you choose the FBX version you want to export with. Like this:


OMG, thank you. But in fbx 2014 the mesh doesn’t appear. Perhaps the bone quantity of the engine is limited. I think I can solve it. Have a nice day :slight_smile: