Unreal Engine Won't Launch?

Hello. I’m very new to game development so please bear with me. I am running macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and installed UE 4.26.0. When I try to launch Unreal Engine from the Epic Games launcher, I am given a prompt saying “Can’t find Xcode install for Metal compiler. Please install Xcode and run Xcode.app to accept license or ensure active developer directory is set to current Xcode installation using xcode-select.” Does anyone know what this means? I don’t really understand why I would have to install another program to run it. I recently updated my macOS from 10.12.2 high Sierra because apparently UE doesn’t run on earlier macOS models. Anyone had the same issue or know what I can do to launch the engine?

It told you what to do, install XCode

Buenas tardes, acabo de instalar el programa pero cuando quiero instalar el motor unreal Engine el recuadro aparece en gris, le doy click a la flecha amarilla pero no empieza la descarga y no se como solucionarlo, alguien puede ayudarme?