Unreal Engine with Cesium for Unreal

So I am new to unreal and I want to use cesium for unreal for their moon terrain in VR mode so I have been following their tutorial for cesium vr application

But the problem it is built on very old version of unreal but I figured it out. The problem is when I am deploying my VR application and using my Oculus Rift S the controllers aren’t working in the tutorial so I have tried different methods of resolving it and yes I am using the unreal engine vr template for it .

I think the problem is my VR Controllers are not receiving input when I am clicking the buttons or I think it is something like that

Please Suggest a solution. I am stuck at this problem

I used UE4.27 to follow this tutorial step by step. In the end, in the VR preview, the controller could not be used at all. My device is PICO4 PRO. If I add a printout after the LineTrace button node, it will not print out during the project run. .