Hi there everyone,
I just recently started to make my own maps. i am totally new but i am learning everyday more and more. And recently i’ve learned on how to remove the shadows when making my own map. Unfortunately, everytime i try and do lightning build, Unreal engine freezes ( it stays at starting up swarm connection 100%) , and i’d have to restart my computer for it. Firstly i though it was maybe due to the fact that my computer has low setting ( Intel i7 4790k, 8gb ddr3, gigabyte Geforce gtx 960 4gb g1, msi 97 gaming motherboard). and also, sometimes it gets stuck when i try to add materials that i’ve downloaded from the marketplace. it feels like my computer can’t handle it. even though its simply adding material to the map.
Please i need some help. I’ve recently started so i am very new to these things.
Kind regards,