Unreal engine keeps getting stuck at 90%/88% when launching the engine, not any projects, the entire engine. Please help as I have tried uninstalling both unreal engine and Epic Games launcher, none of which worked. I need to work on my project, and if this engine doesn’t work, I might switch to another one, in which I do not want to do
run UE4Editor.exe with -LOG parameter on command line, it will display log on the go, this way you can see on what exactly does stuck. You can also check logs in Saved/Logs and see what is at the end of it. Post it so we can help more.
No1 of long start time is shader compilation, thru it usually happens at 45%
How long are you waiting for before forcing the editor to close/killing off the process in task manager? When you look at task manager, can you seeif the Unreal Engine has any active Disk/Network/CPU activity going off?
I know that it did the same for me once, and I ended up leaving it for about an hour and it seemed to sort itself out.
I left it on for about 30 minutes, 40 at max, and the memory usage would not increase or decrease.
eek, that’s not good. The fact that you’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled suggests that there’s something still hanging around on your system like some UE4 setting that upsetting it. As much of a pain as it will be, it may be worth uninstalling, then deleting the any related folders from c:\program files, C:\programdata and C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher.
There may even be something left over in the registry causing an issue. I once had to spend half an hour removing Epic/Unreal engine entries after a drive failed (though I recommend treading with care in the registry if you’re unfamiliar with it.). I do wish they would create a cleanup tool.
Something handy to check maybe would be that your disk is ok. If you press Windows Key +R, tye CMD, and enter. In the command prompt type wmic and press enter, then type in ‘diskdrive get status’, it should come back with ‘OK’ if all is well.
Here is the log Log file open, 03/22/19 09:56:21AppSettings: Version: 9.10.3-5492711+++Portal+ - Pastebin.com
The Drive status was all OKs
I deleted the files related.
Still freezes