Unreal Engine Stopped Installing and Won't Resume

Hello, I was trying to install Unreal Engine 5, when the Epic Games Launcher suddenly closed with no error message or warning. When I re-opened the launcher, Unreal Engine had stopped downloading, but whenever I click resume, it won’t let me continue downloading because “The Directory Must Be Empty.” If I move it to a new directory, it will download, but it sends me back to 0%.
Please Help.


Go into the location of the install:

rename the folder (just add a letter or something to it)

click on resume, and you no longer have the error.

BEFORE YOU CLICK INSTALL, rename it back to the original name.

Now click install.

It should start off where it was at.

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This worked for me, thanks! I’m glad there’s a “Resume” function, but I’m surprised the user needs to do something hacky like this to make it work. Based on the nature of the issue, does Resume ever work without this workaround?