Unreal engine stopped downloading

I have downloaded epic games launcher and started downloading unreal engine 4.25 , my usual download speed is 8-10mbps while this downloads at 300kbps .
And after a while , download dropped to 0.0B/s , there seems that be no improvement, it’s just stuck there for a day now .
It also seems that when I change my network to my mobile hotspot , it starts to download .
So , the issue must be in my wifi network provider ? Maybe .
But I need my wifi network to download at a faster rate and my mobile hotspot can’t support large downloads.
Btw , I’m doing this on my Mac .
Need help ?!
Thank you !

I have the same problem. It stopped downloading after 2.13GB and now downloads only very small chunks every minute, totaling about 300MB per day. I have tried 3 or 4 times to download it but always stops in the same place. I can download it fine at home, but I need it at work. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks