unreal engine project issues

so I have a really big problem with my unreal engine projects.
A couple of things to note before reading:
This only happens in full screen
Doesn’t happen if in fullscreen and recording the problem.
Doesn’t matter the project. I can create a new one in a new editor like from 5.1 to 5.2 and the problem still occurs.
So basically, when I open a project, I can press thing like the content drawer, but when I click on things like window, play, or almost anything in the top it starts lagging and my ms jumps and my fps drops to like 30 but still lags and starts freezing to where I can’t see my mouse cursor and my music lags. (so it’s affecting other apps). This only started happening after I installed my GPU (my drivers have the lastest update). I’m not sure if it’s a hardware issue but it also uses 77% memory and like 80% cpu while open. Another thing is that ue freezing when opening a big file.
I am very willing to work out the problem on discord if necessary. my dc is reaperlinx#9189 (and yes I can show you the problem while sharing my screen on dc somehow.)

hi @AclinxRL

This is your biggest clue. Try rolling back your GFX drivers to an older or previous version.


Download and run DDU to uninstall all traces of your current graphics driver, then reinstall the latest one.

It is very possible there could be conflicting files or configs somewhere with previous versions.

Let me know how you get on!