Unreal engine packed project black screen and not respond

Hello, I have a question,

We are using UE 5.0.3 and Gameplay Ability System plugin with GASDocumentation project.

When we pack the project, we get a black screen and not respond but sometimes the problem is fixed when we generate the project files.

Unstable even when opening the same packaged project sometimes fine, sometimes black screen.

It’s a very inconsistent issue and we can’t move forward safely on the project.

Do you have any idea about this problem?

We are waiting for your help.


  • How did you setup your first map?
  • What’s the name of your first map?
  • How is your UI implemented?
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A lot of things same with GAS Documentation project

We were using ConstructionHelper like this

HeroClass = StaticLoadClass(UObject::StaticClass(), nullptr, TEXT(“/Game/GASDocumentation/Characters/Hero/BP_HeroCharacter.BP_HeroCharacter_C”));

Still We are not sure about that but there is no more black screen after deleting it.


For anyone searching this in the future, our game worked fine in the editor, default level set, but still had black screen and “Not Responding” in task manager when running packaged game.

Workaround I found was:

  1. Run quick launch in the editor, game should open.
  2. Extract build folder at YourGameFolder/Saved/StagedBuilds/Windows
    (YourGame.exe and other necessary files inside)
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