I’ve been having a serious issue for a few weeks now that I simply cannot figure out how to fix. Whenever trying to create a new C++ project or add a C++ class to an existing project in any version of unreal engine, I receive the error stating “Visual Studio 2022 (14.30.30705) must be installed in order to build this target.”.
What’s so damned confusing is that I have visual studio 2022 installed, and i can clearly open it.
Things I’ve Tried So Far:
- Reinstalling both (no change)
- Adding ";C:\Windows\System32" to my PATH
- Trying different versions of both Unreal Engine and Visual Studio (5.0.1 and 4.27.2, and vs2019 and vs2022)
- Building from Source (I get a similar error stating that I do not have the correct kind of Visual Studio when attempting to generate the solution files)
I am truly at a loss. I have been unable to even attempt anything for weeks because every time I take a few days to try and figure this out, and I come up with nothing. Please help me.