Unreal Engine Logo SFX


In the boot of our game, we have various company titles appear. We’re developing the game on UE4, so the ‘‘Unreal Engine’’ company logo appears too.

We looked online, and found recent Unreal Engine logo videos, however, they’re silent.

The question is, is this as designed, meaning, is it meant to be silent? In years past, the Unreal Engine logo had associated sound effects.

We just want to ensure that if there is a sound which Epic has for the Unreal Engine logo, we can use it.

Many thanks,

Augie Restivo
Audio Lead
Splash Damage

It’s a great question! One of our new Audio Directors recently designed the Inside Unreal audio for our weekly livestreams:

I think he’s been interested recently in looking at our audio/logo branding.

I’ve forwarded your question!