Unreal Engine level file got currupted and cannot be restored anymore even from autosaves.

So after I turned off unreal engine and turned it back on the next day, it crashed and showed that the level I was at last got corrupted.

assertion failed: inpos <= size [file:d:\build++ue5\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\hal\filemanagergeneric.cpp] [line: 675] attempted to seek past the end of file (1163309312/1029369325), file: …/…/…/…/…/horrorgame/content/map/villagerestoredre.umap. the file is most likely corrupt.

So i tried to delete that from the folders from my file explorer and then added and renamed the level from my autosaves.

Its the VillageRestoredReRe.umap file

Note: I initially had a level named Village but then this corruption happened twice and renaming the restored file worked till now so that is the reason the name is like that.

However no sign of it here;


I even tried right clicking the Map folder->Validate Assets In Folder , Didn’t work

Also tried right clicking Content->Fix up redirectors", Still no luck

If anyone knows any solution please help me