Unreal Engine version number properly updated now to 4.2.1 woooo hooo I guess the launcher download stopped for a bit at 85%, all good now!
But, well, not so great news. Lost around 50GB of downloaded example content for Unreal Engine and my usage for this month is about 113.10GB so far of a 150GB limit, probably more than 113.10GB that since posting this.
When attempting to re-download some content examples the already downloaded samples were deleted, re-downloaded showed in vault.
The existing downloaded content wasn’t located by the launcher and only option to download from scratch was available.
Manually launching an already downloaded project example only put it into the Projects category once launched but not the Vault section.
Just gonna re-download a few main samples for latest engine version and do rest later. Not all sample information are updated for launcher though they say are supported in current 4.2.1 version number shows previous version, but I’m guessing that’s just for compatibility, but normally you might not think to hover the cursor over the information icon to display the compatibility information.
The solid white color at top for title bar might not be such a good change since it most likely blends into standard webpage backgrounds, I’m glad there’s more room now though and the project launch items were moved to another location.
All and all, the new launcher concepts I like the idea of and no doubt are some useful changes, the launcher fits on my screen now and it certainly feels better usability wise.
I’m going to see if I can answer all if not most of these for you. Usually these would be divided up into separate questions rather than having 3-4 questions about different functionality and feature request all combined into one.
I will condense some of this to answer in one go as well.
When attempting to re-download some
content examples the already
downloaded samples were deleted,
re-downloaded showed in vault. The
existing downloaded content wasn’t
located by the launcher and only
option to download from scratch was
available.Manually launching an
already downloaded project example
only put it into the Projects category
once launched but not the Vault
This answer was provided by the FAQ linked above.
Why does Marketplace not display content I previously downloaded as
“Installed”? With the previous version
of the launcher, all content was
downloaded directly into a project
which you would modify directly. With
the new launcher, content is separated
into Vault downloads vs. Projects. You
can continue to use previously
downloaded projects, however
Marketplace does not recognize
previously downloaded content until
you re-download them into your Vault.
Where did these new projects come from? Content downloaded with the
previous version of the launcher
created one project per version of the
engine; however, in My Content, the
launcher only displayed the content
specific to the version you had
selected. The launcher now shows all
versions of all projects in one
location. In addition, the My Projects
section displays projects created from
the editor or compiled from GitHub.
You can easily delete any projects you
should no longer need in order to
eliminate clutter.
And for your next question:
Not all sample information are updated
for launcher though they say are
supported in current 4.2.1 version
number shows previous version, but I’m
guessing that’s just for
compatibility, but normally you might
not think to hover the cursor over the
information icon to display the
compatibility information.
You are right this is showing the engine versions that it is compatible with. If you want to suggest a change for this you are welcome to post a thread about it in the “Feedback for Epic” section of the Forums. This section is maintained and checked daily. We do look at all concerns, suggestions, and issues that are brought to our attention to build a better and more intuitive interface for our products!
The solid white color at top for title
bar might not be such a good change
since it most likely blends into
standard webpage backgrounds, I’m glad
there’s more room now though and the
project launch items were moved to
another location.
I know you guys are busy with questions and reports stacking up which will probably increase as time goes by and Unreal Tournament project, so I’m trying to keep from posting so much and this post was all about the issues I’ve had with the launcher, I did lose bulk of original project data. It also appears that forum has gone down recently, the AnswerHub so far has covered most things in a timely manner and is modern, and I feel better using it than the older style forums so far.
Since I didn’t have the information on the launcher after the update, the only thing I saw added in the feed section was the New Blueprint Character Movement Features and thought some of it might have been from bugs, so I didn’t notice the FAQ, I’ve seemed to have problems with feeds, especially in the editor but not normally the launcher, no doubt was just a simple networking delay, will check and make another post on that if it’s still happening in editor 4.2.1.