Unreal engine is laggy and i don't know what to do

Im learning how to use Unreal engine 5 and i find it to be quite laggy. my Laptop meets the requirements for Unreal however i need it optimized to it can run smoothly. Any tips on how to do that?

HI @Savageboi0924! Welcome to the Forums!

A few questions and a possible solution:

  • What do you mean by laggy per se? Do you mean the editor is lagging itself?
  • What settings do you currently have enabled?

If this is a fresh install, find your project folder and find your config folder. Delete it. Lumen and other settings are on by default now when first starting a new project, so this will easily reset your project settings to true default with Lumen disabled.

I hope the above solution works for you!

I will try that, and its the environment thats lagging. at the time being all i have is an empty world with lights and a crate from StackOBot, and its saying that video memory has been exausted roughly over 150MB over budget. then again i havent had many issues until i imported StackOBot so it might be lumen and various other shaders that got imported along side

as for this it the default settings with raytracing dissabled. i havent been messing with the settings sence i dont understand exactly what im doing. all i know is that im following tutorials and running into performance issues as i go along.

Hey @Savageboi0924

I think I may see what is happening here:

Stack O Bot uses both Lumen and Nanite, and both of those will be have a heavy impact on performance if your PC specs aren’t enough to handle those particular features. Disabling Lumen (using the trick mentioned previously, deleting your config folder) and disabling Nanite on your meshes can have a huge impact on your performance!

I hope the above solution works for you!