When I play Dead By Daylight on low graphics settings, my game crashes completely randomly. I would say it crashes about 25% of games, sometimes 10 seconds into the game, sometimes 6 minutes in. Completely random. My pc is sufficient to run the game (Intel I7, 8gb ram, Nvidia GEforce 750). I have updated all my drivers and the error happens on both old and new drivers. The game runs on Unreal Engine 4 but I am unsure which version.
Here is the crash log I get every time the game crashes. Any help would be appreciated!
Fatal error: [File:D:\Jenkins\workspace\DBD_1.5.2\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 176]
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0005 - ‘REMOVED’)
KERNELBASE {0x0000000000000000} + 229660 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 8145037 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 7878218 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 7794488 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11006257 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11009804 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 10946654 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 10946517 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 10977664 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11819782 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11811390 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 15504039 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 15510464 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 7181994 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 7182237 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11888998 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 11889144 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 8141751 bytes
DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 8100268 bytes
kernel32 {0x0000000000000000} + 5758 bytes
ntdll {0x0000000000000000} + 144641 bytes