Unreal Engine iOS incorrect Entitlements - 5.2.1 error when trying to add com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement

I’ve been working on an iOS game for about a year now with 5.2.1, and need to add the com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement in order to use GameCenter within the game. I have tried updating new iOS provisioning profiles, however for some reason the engine doesn’t build with the correct entitlement file and I have no way in 5.2.1 on how to directly specify a file to use.

Is there any way to add this functionality (or fix this bug) in 5.2.1 without needing to recompile the engine from the source? If not, how would I go about fixing this issue if I did recompile.

I’m unable to update the project to 5.3 or 5.4 for other reason, so will be needing to stay with 5.2