When I tried to install Unreal Engine 4 from the Epic Games launcher, I got the error mentioned above. I think it’s because there could be a timeout since my connection is extremely slow. It gets to 90kbps maximum!
Please help me as soon as possible! I am really excited to start using this game engine!
I double posted by accident… Sorry i didn’t mean to. It was giving me an internal error, then it posted 2 after i tried posting the second time which worked. Please reply to this post not the other one. If there is any staff you could delete the second post. I didn’t double post to spam nor bump.
You actually had 3 posts. I removed the other 2.
For the issue you are experiencing with downloading content from the Launcher, please view the appropriate section on our Launcher troubleshooting guide:
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If none of that helps you, then please follow the next steps to provide us with your Launcher logs.