Hello, this is my first post here. I have an issue with any Steam-downloaded unreal engine game. My setup has two displays, a monitor and a television. I’ve had 2 graphics cards, one a GTX970 and currently an R9 390. My issue is this: any Unreal game (from steam) I launch gives me a black screen, no sound, nothing. I have to end task in task manager to get out. When I run the games with “-windowed” launch option, I get a buggy transparent window with no sound again. The games in question are Red Orchestra 2 and Rocket League. What I find odd is that I’ve had Unreal Tournament 3 non-steam edition for a while now, and it works great. I made Red Orchestra 2 work once by unplugging my second monitor, rebooting, then plugging it back in, and that was just once. I don’t understand why through two different card types and many drivers why the games keep acting the same way. Is there any possible way I can fix this?
Neither of those games are UE4 games, you would need to contact the developers of those games to get support.
my bad, I thought rocket league was UE4.
Not sure about red orchestra but rocket league definitely is UE4. Still though it’s a good idea to contact the developers
Nope, it is modified UE3. Here is wiki link, and they mentioned in interviews that current version of game is UE3-based. As well as Red Orchestra 2