Unreal Engine Freezing when trying to build lightning, how to fix it?

I already tried everything every other post told me to do, but I couldn’t.

I used Unreal Engine 4.27.2 for a very long time now and this bug happened to me once and it was because of the antivirus I had at the time and uninstailing it, made it work. Now, I don’t even have the antivirus and the bug still happens.

What’s happening is that when the Engine tries to compile shaders, it gets stucked on the number 82 and doesn’t compile anything. And if I try to build the lightning only, the engine starts to build, but it just freezes and does’nt come back. It’s not my PC, because I’ve been developing for about a year now and that only happened to me once, like I said and it was because a antivirus. Now, I don’t know why that happened and it’s kinda of a big deal, since I cannot package the project because of that.

And I visit every other posts that had similar problems to mine, tried to make the swarm agent priority above normal, tried to reinstall the engine, etc, etc, but nothing worked. I even tried to deactivate windows defender to see if the problem was the windows antivirus, but it didn’t worked either.

So I’m just lost now and don’t know what to do. (And yes, my drivers are up to date)