Unreal engine exe the following modules are required to run this program

Hi all,

When i want to start exe file of my project on other computer, i have this message:

“unreal engine exe the following modules are required to run this program:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtime
DirectX Runtime
Would you like to install them now?”

Do you know if it’s possible to package project by avoiding this download.Just to click on exe file and it works fine without download?!


Nope, Those are required runtimes.
You can ‘workaround’ this by having them already installed on the target system.

Edit: Download is not needed, The prerequest installer is added by default to the output of the packaging folder

OK thanks but i don’t have an output folder with that prerequest installer!

Where is the target system?

IIRC there is a project option to not include it, I sugest using the project options search feature to check.

Just means the (type of) computer you intend it to to run on.
So a target system may be: Windows, Linux, PS4, Etc.

The prerequirements is at “WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us” for me

OK ok thanks Ryan20fun!