I’m trying to install an Unreal Engine 4, so when I install and try to open “Epic Games Launcher.exe” I get this error warning and it does not open:
I’ve tried countless things:
I reinstalled Visual C ++
I downloaded these error correction packages 0xc00007b (I played in the system32 folder and systemWOW)
I passed Chkdsk
I downloaded Aio
Video Card Updaters
I have already deleted and reattached the msvcp100.dll and msvcp100.dll files from the 32 folder system
I do not know what to do, I do not want to format the pc to see if I can solve this problem.
Here is the depends program log and the procmon program log:
depends: www.novinestudio.com.br/log.txt
procmon: www.novinestudio.com.br/Logfile.PML
If someone helps me I will be very grateful!