Unreal Engine Download stopping at 74%

I am trying to download Unreal Engine but the download stops at 74%. I have deleted and tried reinstalling 6 times already and each time it stops downloading at 74%. I have waited for it to move and after 7.5 hours I decided to delete it and try again. The app and engine installer have all permissions on my laptop. I am on a Mac air with the M3 chip, I also have plenty of space.

Hi @Yak_Fiskr
I gonna try to help you, because I did a research and a lot of people suffered this problem
I found this: Why is the download stuck at around 70%? - #2 by Mr_Robville
Another option could be install an early access version
or maybe try in options to disable all extra features and leave the engine base

The Linked source solved it for me

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