Just downloaded Unreal Engine from Github, yesterday.
I have followed all the instructions: run setup.bat, generateprojectfiles, UE4, development editor, build.
While compiling, several errors pop up.
Have already attempted a clean install of Unreal AND visual studios. Visual studios is up to date as of yesterday.
Have checked the language of VS, and changed it from English to “same as windows”
Attempting to install from the launcher now.
My reason for installing is to develop for Google Daydream!
I resolved the problem. Here are the steps I took:
uninstalled Unreal and Visual Studio
Downloaded Unreal from their official Git, cloning it using the GitHub app.
Downloaded Visual Studio 2015 update 3. I previously tried other versions, including 2017.
Installed Visual studio, and instead of default installation I did custom and check C++ under programming languages, as well as checking windows SDK. One didn’t download, because I already had it installed.
Ran setup.bat from the Unreal Engine directory
ran generateprojectfiles.bat
double clicked and launched the UE4.sln file in VS2015
set in developer editor/win64, then right click source code —> build