Unreal Engine does not work

I don’t know what to do right now, I have huge problems with ue4
projects crash before they even open, if I make a new map, and add like a cube and a light for example, it crashes a few minutes later
I made a big game where I spent months to make it, and its nearly finished, and now It does not open
I made like 4 new projects, and they don’t open either
I used several product versions
right now I use 4.12 and it does not work
I tried it with 4.10 ot 4.11 or something
it does not open or crashes, changed the project into a 4.12 version or a preview version of the engine, and it also does not work
I does not seem like anything that I do in the project leads to the crash, my ghrapic drivers are up 2 date
I did not change anything on my pc, and right now I don’t know what to do
I have no idea how I can find the error logs, so if that would help me please direct me to the file location
clicked on a file named crash context or something, and found this in it
I don’t know if this has anything to do with it

Assertion failed: InPos <= Size [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\FileManagerGeneric.cpp] [Line: 617]
Attempted to seek past the end of file (68029/303), file: …/…/…/…/…/…/Users/Nico/Documents/Unreal Projects/Highnoon2/Content/ThirdPersonBP/Maps/ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap. The file is most likely corrupt.

Crash in runnable thread FAssetDataGatherer

I hope you can help me, thanks

Hi SavoUnreal,

Did this occur when you downloaded and installed UE4.12? Can you open your projects by bypassing the Launcher and double clicking on the .uproject file in the Unreal Projects folder in your Documents folder? Also, are you able to go into the install directory and open the editor.exe application for 4.10, 4.11. and 4.12?

If you are able to do any of the above, open your project in each version and save a copy. Back up your entire Unreal Projects folder and uninstall all versions of the engine, then the launcher. Then reinstall the launcher, and each version of the Engine making sure you set the project to open to a known good (non-corrupt) project in your Project Settings.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, make sure you only open a copy of your project in a newer version of the engine. Do not overwrite the original with a newer version.

Try these troubleshooting steps and let me know if they do not resolve your issue.


Hi I tried it and it still does not work I think the problem is with the ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap File I reinstalled everything, yet the map did not open so I copied the content folder into a good project in order to open the map in the new good project the project did not open and I got the same error so I deleted 1 by 1 the files out of the content folder in order to see which part of it is responsible for not letting me open the project and ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap is responsible for that any tipps what I can do from now on ?
thanks for the help

also no it was before I downloaded 4.12 and opening the .exe worked

Above, it says “ThirdPersonExampleMap.umap. The file is most likely corrupt” and you came to the same conclusion so this map file has apparently become damaged at some point. Try launching 4.12 and selecting a new blank Third Person Blueprint project. Save. Copy the Contents Folder from your original and replace the one in the new folder with your old one.

Hi , I fixed it earlier today
Its not the best solution but I hope you guys try your best to fix those kinds of things in the future
I deleted the file and used an old autosavefile of the map, some things are gone but its not that bad
Either way thanks for helping me so quick
Have a great day